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Phillip Harper
reached out to take her hand. It felt good as their fingers intertwined. He
pulled softly to bring her closer. This
is the happiest I’ve ever been. He thought. At least since…never mind. Don’t think about that!
He turned his head to meet her eyes as they continued down
the sidewalk. They were a deep blue tonight. She caught his glance and smiled
back, squeezing his hand in recognition while brushing her blonde hair behind
an ear.
“Molly?” Phillip leaned in to question. His height had
become his biggest obstacle with girls now. He no longer suffered from a
debilitating lack of self-confidence. Battling dragons, vampire bats, and
sorcerers in Mistasia had cured him of that. No, just the fact that he was the
tallest kid at Greenville High School, by about three inches, made kissing his
girlfriend a little awkward. She was more than a foot shorter than he was. His
brown floppy hair bounced as he walked. It wasn’t really that long; it was just
really wavy. Some days it seemed to be living a completely separate life from
him. Those types of things had once bothered Phillip but not anymore. He just
looked into his girlfriend’s eyes and things like out-of-control hair didn’t
matter because to Molly, it didn’t matter.
“Yes, Phillip.” She reached across her body to clasp her
hands over his. She was giggling and gripping a little too tightly as she
awaited his question. Then, she half spun, now walking backwards to face him as
she swung his hands back and forth.
Phillip stopped walking. “I have to get going.” He winced as
he told her, waiting for her reaction. Molly didn’t take separation very well.
Sometimes, when he mentioned going home…to ‘his’ family, it was as though he
had broken up with her. He really liked her but dreaded the end of their dates.
Tears began to well up in her eyes. Her bottom lip curled up
like a baby ready to burst into a full-out tantrum. Phillip felt his stomach
flip. Oh, no! Please, don’t do this! I just wanna go home! Phillip did the
first thing that came to his mind. He kissed her square on the lips. It wasn’t
the first time, but there hadn’t been very many other kisses. He hoped it would
quell the tantrum that Molly was about to set loose upon this night and
probably ruin their date.
Phillip backed away. His eyes were shut tight and his
shoulders were shrugged trying to block his ears just in case. She had a really
high-pitched whine that accompanied her cry. He was afraid to open his eyes,
but at least five seconds had gone by and there had been no wailing, no
tantrum, no tears. Then a joyous sound hit his ears. She giggled. Phillip
popped open one eye. Molly coyly swayed with her chin tucked into her shoulder
and a smile that lit up the night. He exhaled in relief. Dodged a bullet there. He didn’t hesitate. They stood outside her
house. Phillip leaned in, planting another kiss (this one on her cheek), and
dashed to his parked car.
Molly just waved from the driveway, slowing backing toward
her house as Phillip jumped into his beat-up silver Cavalier and then drove
He didn’t really have to go home. He was supposed to be
meeting his best friend, Michael Whizzenmog III. ‘Whizzy’, as Phillip called
him, had been barking for nearly a month about how they didn’t see each other
anymore. It was true. Ever since Phillip and Whizzy’s twin sister, Rachel, had
broken up, Phillip just felt uncomfortable at their house, which really sucked
in Phillip’s mind. I love that house!
He said to himself. He had some amazing memories there. He had practically
grown up in that house. But the really cool aspect of the house was the portal
to another world they had found in the basement. Well, that was another story.
It had been two-and-a-half years since Phillip, Whizzy and Rachel had been to
the Land of Mistasia. A lot of things had happened since then.
Phillip pulled up in front of the Whizzenmog mansion. It
wasn’t actually considered a ‘mansion’, but in Greenville it basically
qualified. The house nearly had its own block. Phillip could have put five or
six of his own house inside the Whizzenmogs’, and that didn’t include the
basement. He sat in the car for a
moment, unsure if he would get out. Whizzy
will be really pissed if I bail on him tonight. I promised. He took a deep
breath. His heart was thumping pretty quickly. He was surprised at how nervous
he was. A light turned on in a room next to the two massive front doors.
Phillip’s heart leapt.
“Rachel.” He didn’t realize it at first, but he had said her
name aloud. He sunk back into the front seat watching her for a few moments
like a creepy stalker. She grabbed something off of the desk under the window.
She looked outside. Phillip found himself staring at Rachel as she brushed her
auburn hair over her shoulder. He sunk lower and bashed his knees against the
steering wheel. Ah, dang it! That really
friggin’ hurt! He mumbled at himself while rubbing his knees. When he
looked back, the light was off, and Rachel was gone. He shook his head in
disappointment. Why am I acting like
this? I…I broke up with her. She didn’t break up with me. He attempted to
reassure himself. He unbuckled his
seatbelt and flung open the car door. Luckily, no one was driving down the
street, because in his fever he never even looked. The old Phillip would have
lost a door to oncoming traffic.
“See, this is why you don’t come here anymore,” he muttered
to himself in frustration as he slammed the door closed. When he looked up,
Rachel Whizzenmog stood in the open doorway; her feminine figure was
silhouetted against the light from inside. Phillip couldn’t see her face but
could feel her staring at him.
She had a hand resting upon the door jamb, while the other
was angrily jabbed into her hip. As he approached the house, Phillip could make
out her facial features. Her expression was one of disgust, like he was an
intruder. Her eyes seem much greener than
I remember. He thought as he cautiously approached along the concrete
walkway. I am really glad we are not in
Mistasia right now, ‘cuz I have a feeling she would so use her wand against me.
“Hey,” Phillip mustered standing before her. The top of her
head didn’t even reach his chin. Her eyes were green, but should have been
yellow like the sun for all the heat they cast upon Phillip.
“You’re an idiot!” She barked and slammed the door in his
“Okay, that went fairly well.”
The door quickly reopened to the sound of Rachel and Whizzy
“Phillip!” Whizzy said with his usual excitement at a guest.
His wild red hair bounced like a child on a trampoline as though it were trying
to gain Phillip’s attention. Whizzy was a whole foot shorter than his best
friend so his wild hair was usually the first thing to greet Phillip. “I’m
sorry about her. She…well, ya know.” Whizzy laughed.
“Yeah, I know.” Phillip said as he cautiously entered. He
half expected her to annihilate him once inside.
“Don’t worry she’s gone. Let’s go to the basement.” Whizzy
responded noticing Phillip searching about the entryway readying himself for an
Phillip smiled. He loved the Whizzenmogs’ basement. It was
one of the coolest places in Greenville, and that didn’t include the fact it
had a portal to another world too! The two young men walked down the wooden
staircase into another dimension of reality. There was no other place that he
could shoot hoops, play video arcade games, watch a movie with true surround
sound and go bowling. Yes, actually bowl. The Whizzenmogs had a bowling alley
in their basement. Phillip just shook his head remembering all the amazing nights
he had here.
“She’s really mad at me,” Phillip said as he sat down on the
couch. It faced a massive flat screen television that slightly curved around
the edges. “New T.V.?”
“Yeah. It’s 90 inches! Ridiculous sound and picture quality.
And, yes, she’s super mad at you. Just let her get it out of her system. She’ll
be fine.” Whizzy was tinkering with the remote control. It was enormous. “I
can’t remember which button…maybe this?”
The television blankly stared back at Whizzy. “Darn it! How ‘bout this
Phillip snorted and leaned back on the couch, placing his
head over the top and stretching out. Phillip cried out as he leapt up,
knocking the remote out of Whizzy’s hand. Rachel stood at the bottom of the
stairs in the exact same pose that she had met Phillip with at the front door.
“Dude,” Whizzy said, looking up at Phillip with incredulous
blue eyes.
“Ah, I need to use the bathroom.” I think I might have just peed a little. Phillip worried.
Rachel glared at Phillip as he sheepishly walked up to her.
He needed to get by to go upstairs. There weren’t any bathrooms in the
basement, which is something Phillip had always believed to be weird. Rachel
looked as though she had no intention of moving, but finally she stepped aside
and allowed him to pass. Phillip dashed up the steps, leaping three at a time,
until he tripped at the top, landing on the same knee he smashed in the car. He
groaned out loud. Rachel smiled a devilish grin as she maneuvered around the
couch and sat down in a chair next to her brother.
“You are so enjoying this aren’t you?”
“Yep!” Rachel replied, putting her feet up on the coffee
table. “I’m going to torture him until he’s sixty.”
“Or until he actually pees his pants?” Whizzy taunted. He
attempted to get the remote to work yet failed again. He shook it as though
that would magically repair whatever damage had been done.
Rachel snatched it from him, “That might make us even.” She
pointed the remote, which didn’t look as large in her hands as it had in
Whizzy’s, at the television, and it exploded with lights and sound. The actor
on screen was taller than Whizzy. Rachel jumped back up and moved to the
billiards table.
“I don’t think that is such a good idea.” He studied the
remote for a few seconds, giving it a look of betrayal and then set it down on
the table.
“Why is playing pool such a bad idea?” The sarcasm in her
voice was so thick, Whizzy couldn’t have cut it with a chainsaw.
“You having a pool stick in your hand when my ‘best friend’
comes back down here.”
Rachel smiled as she eyed up her shot, then smashed the cue
ball into its target, sending two different balls cascading off one another and
into separate pockets. She laughed. “Well, you may be right there, Whizzy. I
just can’t understand why he would think he could break up with me.”
“Rachel, come on!” Whizzy groaned. “I know you’ve thought
you were better than him since we were like five years old, but he changed
after we went to Mistasia.”
“We all changed, Whizzy,” She scoffed, eyeing up a second
target yet holding back from shooting.
That was the absolute truth. All three of them had changed,
yet it wasn’t all for the better. Phillip had gotten his self-confidence.
Whizzy had somewhat learned how to temper his anger, but Rachel had come back
confused. Frustrated. She desperately wanted the abilities she had in Mistasia
every day. Being a witch could come in handy, but here in Greenville, she was
just another girl. Apparently, she was a girl that wasn’t good enough for
Phillip Harper either. He had gushed over her for as long as she could
remember, and now when she finally shared his feelings, Phillip had seemingly
lost his.
The sounds of rapid footsteps careened into the basement.
Phillip had returned. Rachel lined up a different target and aggressively fired
the cue ball. It glanced off the 8-ball and ricocheted into the air. Whizzy’s
eyes grew as he watched it sailing straight for Phillip. His best friend was
too engrossed in the bikini-clad women on the 90-inch screen T.V. to notice the
ball screaming toward him.
“Phillip! Watch…” Whizzy was too late. He dashed over to his
friend, who rolled around the floor in obvious discomfort. Phillip grabbed
Whizzy by the shoulders, nearly knocking Whizzy to the floor. “Where’d it get
you?” He was pretty sure it was in a bad place, the one place boys fear most.
Rachel calmly laid the stick across the top of the pool
table and walked past. She smiled at Phillip as she moved to take the stairs.
“I was going for the pocket,” Rachel mocked.
Phillip shouted things in a foreign tongue. His face had turned
an odd shade of purple. Score one point for the girl
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