APRIL 28, 2016 -
Purrett.com and Gossamer Studio are working on three new cartoon/animated shorts for our YouTube channel.
The first is a cartoon created for our friends at www.yourcomicon.com featuring Bruce Banner, Iron Man and the Hulk.
Scandalous is the title of the next cartoon, which is a Bat-tribute to the late-great singer, Prince. Since Prince wrote the soundtrack to Tim Burton's - Batman(1989), Batman thought it would be nice to do something for his friend...okay it isn't really that nice. The parody sees Batman get caught doing something scandalous.
The final cartoon we have in production is a book trailer for Mystical Mirror. It will feature artwork inspired by the new novel, which comes out this summer. The cartoon will accompany a kickstarter that will begin in May for those that may be interested in purchasing this new novel in hardcover.
Hope you enjoyed the video.