Purrett.com - A Year in Review 2015
2015 ushered in a wide variety of new adventures at Purrett.com. I personally took a step away from writing novels and ventured out into uncharted territory. Here is a recap of 2015 for Purrett.com...Enjoy the Journey!
Gossamer Pen #1 |
Gossamer Pen Vol 1 |
During the next seven months, five more digital comics were completed. On September 29, those web-comics were combined into a single print comic (which is more like a short graphic novel), Gossamer Pen Comic Vol. 1. That completed the first third of the original novel and introduced most of the creatures that were freed from Kyra's notebook.
In August, Purrett Productions, LLC was formed. It is a small company, basically just myself; however, it is intended to become a family business in the future. My wife, Misty, acts as my editor. My oldest daughter, Lea, is a tremendous writer, mostly of poetry. My youngest daughter, Kyra, is probably the most talented of us all. She is an artist and storyteller. My dream is to one day have all four of us working together within the company, hence the name...Purrett Productions.
There is, however, more to the name than that. I am one of two brothers born to John Purrett and at this time, we will sadly be the last of the Purretts in our line. Both my brother and I have had two daughters, so that played a large part in me titling the company.
My brother, David, also works with me, mostly behind the scenes assisting in technical areas that are out of my realm of expertise.
In August, the new website launched at Purrett.com. As Purrett Productions. LLC became a company, the website moved from ChristopherMPurrett.com to its new home. It featured an all new color scheme, new logo and streamlined layout. The main focus was the company instead of me as an author. That change in philosophy was largely in part to the broadening scope from solely novels to adding comics, design and animation. In September, an online store was also added.
Since I was a child, I loved cartoons. I loved to draw too! I had even spent the past decade writing stories. It was inevitable, with today's technology, that animation would become an integral part of this new company. I began referring to this part of the company as Gossamer Studio. Our YouTube Channel - Purrett, launched in September.
On October 8, the very first Eddy & Cric animated cartoon was released titled "Meet The Kits".
Eddy & Cric - The Cosplay (episode 6) |
By the end of the year, Gossamer Studio released 8 cartoons featuring Eddy & Cric, a Batman parody titled Super Heroes' Worst Fears, and 4 kids cartoons.
ego Impressions Designs
Along with Gossamer Studio, we developed another subsidiary of Purrett Productions, LLC. titled ego Impressions. It is the design side of the company that handles logos, websites and creation of any print media that is needed for adversiting, marketing or retail.
During the year, ego Impressions was responsible for many designs; however, it will play a much larger role in development in the coming year with regards to t-shirt creation for our online store.
2015 held a pretty large scope, most of which happened in the last 5 months. It has been an amazing journey so far, and I can't wait to see what 2016 brings!
Land of Mistasia Heroes T-Shirt Design |
2015 held a pretty large scope, most of which happened in the last 5 months. It has been an amazing journey so far, and I can't wait to see what 2016 brings!
Christopher M. Purrett
Enjoy The Journey