It is hard to believe that it has been one year since the novel, Gossamer Pen was released (November 24, 2014). I feel very fortunate to have been able to write one novel, let alone four; however, this one was interesting for a few reasons.
I had just completed work on the Mistasia Anthology, and hammered out a blog called Leaving Mistasia. So what was next? I had a few things that I wanted to started working on, but none of them seemed to be going anywhere. A writing block had planted in the middle of my brain like a mad elephant waiting for peanuts.
Meanwhile, my youngest daughter had been scribbling away in her tiny notebook...and by tiny I mean so small that I feel like the giant from Jack & The Bean Stalk when I grasp it between my finger and thumb to keep from dropping it. When I opened it, the notebook exploded with vivid and colorful drawings of people and creatures. It was like a treasure trove, and I had just stumbled into a gold mine of ideas all inside my daugther's mind.
Over the next few weeks, I fed that angry starving elephant in my mind with those tremendous ideas like the peanuts he craved until he was so large he fell over and slid out onto the paper at my desk in the form of Gossamer Pen.
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I have always found it hilarious that the ideas for my books have come from some of the most innocent of places. It isn't as though I don't have a computer full of novel ideas, yet I find myself struggling over the details almost fighting with myself when writing. However, Gossamer Pen was one of the quickest novels I have ever written. The story played out like a movie in my mind, and I just struggled to keep pace with the childlike imagination that my youngest daughter had planted with the seeds of her artwork.
I look back on the novel today (one year later), and I am truly proud of the story, characters, and artwork associated with it. Even more so, I find myself gushing about my daughter's influence when I tell people about the origin of Gossamer Pen.
I hope you get a chance to read this story and enjoy the journey!
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